Kirby Joins Karen Rzepecki On The Official Mason Jars Podcast
"Look, the more people that think mason jars are great, the better. And all the stuff that that all these lids can do. I'm kind of surprised that mason jars aren't more popular. They're so universal!"
Kirby, our founder, CEO, and product developer joins fellow entrepreneur, Karen Rzepecki of to discuss all things EcoJarz! Karen Rzepecki is the President & Founder of, MakerPlace Inc., and Mason Jars Company - makers of reCAP Mason Jar lids. This year Karen started a mason jar podcast where she interviews fellow entrepreneurs, sellers on, and other industry experts.
"I think silicone doesn't get the the respect it deserves. I love silicone for HOT drinks. And the hole for the straw is made slightly smaller so the straw doesn't fall out. You can't do that with stainless steel."
Together they reminisce about how EcoJarz's first product, the Stainless Steel Drinking Lid came about. They talk about the struggles and successes when designing a product and getting it started. They chat about reducing waste, the things that surprise them about the industry, the mason jar shortage, and having your work copied. Kirby explains why he prefers manufacturers in Vietnam over the United States, his love of mason jars, some of his favorite products and hints at some fun new EcoJarz products in the works!
"I have notebooks full of mason jar ideas."
If you have 46 minutes to spare, head on over to masonjars-podcast, and listen!